Critical Writing about Steve Tomasula
Steve Tomasula: The Art of Representation
June 12 and 13, 2025. Paris, France.
The first international conference devoted to the work of Steve Tomasula
deadline for submissions: November 4, 2024
David Banash ed., Steve Tomasula: The Art and Science of New Media Fiction. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015 (17 critical essays on the fiction of Steve Tomasula, including an interview by David Banash. 344 pgs.).
Torsa Ghosal, Out of Mind: Mode, Mediation, and Cognition in Twenty-First-Century Narrative. Ohio State University Press, 2021.
Mary K. Holland, The Moral Worlds of Contemporary Realism. Bloomsbury, 2020.
Wojciech Drąg, Collage in Twenty-First-Century Literature in English: Art of Crisis. Routlege, 2020.
Gilbert Pham-Thanh, “The Importance of Being Earnest in Flatland “ in Post-Digital. Joseph Tabbi, ed. Bloomsbury, 2020.
Antje Kley, “US Print Culture, Literary Narrative, and Slow Reading in the Age of Big Data: Steve Tomasula’s VAS: An Opera in Flatland” in The Printed Book in Contemporary American Culture. New Directions in Book History. H. Schaefer and A. Starre eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Flore Chevaillier, Divergent Trajectories: Interviews with Innovative Fiction Writers. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2017.
Alison Gibbon, Multimodality, Cognition, and Experimental Literature. Routledge: New York, 2014.
Grzegorz Maziarczyk, The Novel as Book: Textual Materiality in Contemporary Fiction in English. Lublin, Poland: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013.
N. Katherine Hayles, How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.
David Banash, "Conclusion: From the Twentieth-Century's Cutting Edge to the Twenty-First-Century Copy" in his Collage Culture: Readymades, Meaning, and the Age of Consumption. NY: Rodopi, 2013.
Mary Holland, Succeeding Postmodernism: Signifying Families in Late Twentieth and Twenty-First Century American Fiction. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.
Flore Chevaillier, The Body of Writing: An Erotics of Contemporary American Fiction. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2013.
Grzegorz Maziarczyk, "Print Strikes Back: Typographic Experimentation in Contemporary Fiction as a Contribution to the Metareferential Turn" in The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media: Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation. Werner Wolf ed. New York, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. 169-193.
David Banash, “Steve Tomasula.” Encyclopedia of American Fiction, 1980-2020. Eds: Patrick O’Donnell, Stephen J Burn, and Lesley Larkin. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2022.
Flore Chevaillier, “The New Experimentalism/The Contemporary Avant Garde.” Encyclopedia of American Fiction, 1980-2020. Eds: Patrick O’Donnell, Stephen J Burn, and Lesley Larkin. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2022.
Journals (excluding reviews)
Hanna Hadjadj, “Steve Tomasula: Twenty-First Century Fiction as a Broken Hammer” (monograph issue). The Hollins Critic, Vol. 60, No. 1, February. Hollins University, 2023.
Anne-Laure Tissut, “How To Do Things With Books, Steve Tomasula’s VAS, an Opera in Flatland” in Sens public (France), 2021.
Gülşen Aslan Uslu, “The Workings of Space in Steve Tomasula’s VAS: An Opera in Flatland” in Journal of American Studies of Turkey (Turkey), 2021. pp. 53-76.
Flore Chevaillier, “Experiment with Textual Materiality: Page, Author, and Medium in the Works of Steve Tomasula, Michael Martone, and Eduardo Kac” in College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies, Volume 46, Number 1, Winter 2019, pp. 179-203. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Nachtergael, Magali. “The Ghost in the Machine. Multimédia, algorithme et littérature artificielle” in Littérature (France), vol. 192, no. 4, 2018, pp. 85-95.
Ralph M. Berry. “Experimental Fiction, Or What Is a Novel and How Do I Know?” in Angles: New Perspectives on the Anglophone World. 6, 2018 (France).
Juan Alberto Conde, “Chronomosaics: metáfor as espaciais do tempo no livro hipermídia TOC, de Steve Tomasula / Chronomosaics: Spatial Metaphors of Time in TOC Hypermedia Novel by Steve Tomasula” in Editorial Utadeo (Bogota). December, 2018.
“Spotlight on Science: Steve Tomasula,” Interview by Katie Luu in The Blog of the MIT Press, 18 December 2015.
Sandra Bettencourt, "The Novel as Multimedia, Networked Book': An Interview with Steve Tomasula" in Materialidades da Literatura / Materialites of Literature (Portugal) Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016.
Daniel Green, "The Materiality of the Medium: On Steve Tomasula" in The Kenyon Review, Spring 2015.
Gilbert Pham-Thanh, "The Importance of Being Earnest in Flatland" in The Electronic Book Review. May 5, 2015.
Illya Szilak, "Steve Tomasula's Brilliant Literary Time Machine" in The Huffington Post, February 14, 2014.
Sylvie Bauer, "Poets and Language Whores in IN&OZ, by Steve Tomasula" in Golden Handcuffs Review. No. 17. Fall-Winter 2013-14. pp. 193-204.
Manuel Portela, Scripting Reading Motions: The Codex and the Computer as Self-reflexive Machines. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
Yuriy Tarnawsky, "Once Human: Stories" in The Collagist, March 2014.
Steve Owen, "Once Human: Stories by Steve Tomasula" in Quarterly West, October 26, 2014.
Pawel Frelik, "Reading the Background-the Textual and the Visual in Steve Tomasula's The Book of Portraiture" in Sillages critiques: Exposition / Surexposition. Monica Michlin and Fraçoise Samarcelli eds. Université Paris-Sorbonne (France) No. 17, December, 2013.
Johanna Drucker, "Transforming Artist Books: Future Visions and Versions of the Codex." London: Tate Museum, 22 August 2013.
Special Issue on Steve Tomasula in Electronic Book Review, Kiki Benson ed. July 2012:
"An Interview with Steve Tomasula" by J. Have.
"You've Never Experienced a Novel like This: Time and Interaction When Reading TOC" by Alison Gibbons.
"Flatland in VAS" by Lila Marz Harper.
"Tech-TOC: Complex Temporalities in Living and Technical Beings" by N. Katherine Hayles.
"Languages of Fear in Steve Tomasula's VAS: An Opera in Flatland" by Anne-Laure Tissut.
"Pierre Menard with a Pipette: VAS and the Body of Text" by Alex Link.
"The Archeology of Representation: Steve Tomasula's The Book of Portraiture" by Shoba Venkatesh Ghosh.
Amy J. Elias, "The Dialogical Avant-Garde: Relational Aesthetics and Time Ecologies in Only Revolutions and TOC" in Contemporary Literature. Winter 2012 vol. 53 no. 4. pp. 738-778.
David Ciccoricco, "The Materialities of Close Reading: 1942, 1959, 2009" in DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly. Vol. 6 No. 1. 2012.
Adam Kullberg, "IN & OZ" in Diagram Magazine. Vol. 13. No. 2. March 2013.
Alex Flesher, "Steve Tomasula's IN & OZ" in The Iowa Review. Vol. 43, No. 1. Spring, 2013.
"IN & OZ" in Midwest Book Review, Vol. 7, No. 7, July 2012.
John M. Vincler, "The Monstrous Book and the Manufactured Body in the Late Age of Print: Material Strategies for Innovative Fiction in Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl and Steve Tomasula's VAS: An Opera in Flatland" in Dichtung-Digital: A Journal of Art and Culture in Digital Media (Germany), Spring 2011.
Gruszewska-Blaim, Ludmi "A (post-)novel?: VAS: An Opera in Flatland by Steve Tomasula" in Canon Unbound. Jadwiga W?grodzka ed. Koszalin (Poland): Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Politechniki Koszalinskiej, 2011. pp. 63-83.
Yuriy Tarnawsky, "Not Just Text: An Interview with Steve Tomasula" in Rain Taxi Review of Books. Spring 2011.
N. Katherine Hayles, "Tech-TOC: Complex Temporalities in Technical Objects and Digital Literature" in The Technical Condition: Existence and Knowledge in the Technical World. Erich Hoerl ed. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011.
Ann-Laure Tissut, "Signs of Time: VAS, A Story of Languages" in Science and American Literature in the 20th and 21st Centuries, from Henry Adams to John Adams. Claire Maniez, Ronan Ludot-Vlasak and Frédéric Dumas eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. pp. 147-158.
Iuli, Cristina. "Playing with Codes: Steve Tomasula's Vas, an Opera in Flatland" in Writing Technologies: Representational and Literary Futures: American Writing in the New Millennium. Tatiani G. Rapatzikou and Arthur Redding eds. Vol. 3 (2010), 64-85.
Jean-Yves Pellegrin, "Tactics Against Tic-Toc: Browsing Steve Tomasula's New Media Novel" in Études anglaises: revue du monde Anglophone (Paris) Vol. 62 No. 2. avril-juin 2010. pp. 174-190.
Jeffrey R. Di Leo, "The Cult of the Book-and Why It Must End" in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Sept. 26, 2010.
Scott Rettberg, "Toc, eller kampen om tiden" in Vagant (Norway), September, 2010. pp. 16-17.
Stephanie Hlywak, "Not Normal, Illinois: Peculiar Fictions from the Flyover, edited by Michael Martone" in Raintaxi. Online Edition: Spring 2010.
Ed Falco, "TOC" in American Book Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, November/December 2009. p. 21-22.
Gibbons, A. (2008) 'Multimodal literature 'moves' us: dynamic movement and embodiment in VAS: An Opera In Flatland', HERMES 41: 107-124. ISSN: 0904-1699.
R.D. Pohl, "Written Word: &NOW Conference Examines Role of World's Top Writers in The Buffalo News, Entertainment Section. October 9, 2009.
Virginia Konchan,"TOC: A New-Media Novel" in ForeWord Reviews. September/October 2009.
Susan Vanderborg, "Of 'Men and Mutations': The Art of Reproduction in Flatland" in Journal of Artist Books. Issue 24, Fall 2008. p 4-11.
Emily Pérez, "Between the Looking Glasses: Self-Representation and the Represented Self" in American Letters & Commentary. Vol. 19, 2008. p. 136-141.
Mike Barrett, "Seeing the Novel in the 21st Century" in Electronic Book Review, October 1, 2007.
Evan Gillespie, "Backdrop of the Midwest" in South Bend Tribune. Sunday, December 9, 2007. p. D5.
McKenzie Wark, "The Book of Portraiture by Steve Tomasula" in Bookforum. Vol. 12, No. 2 June/July/Sept 2006. p. 55.
Erin Frauenhofer, "Self Portraits" in PopMatters, 18 January 2007.
Eugene Thacker, "The Book of Portraiture: A Novel" in Leonardo. Vol. 40, Number 4, August 2007. pp. 403-404.